Sunday, October 4, 2015

feelings of the unknown.

i don't really know if its love,
sometimes it's like watching the sun come up,
sometimes it's like listening for the thunder and watching the lightning.
one day it can be like listening to a sad song but others its like reading a book for the first time and wanting to read it over and over again for the rest of forever.
i feel like it can be ridding a roller coaster 
but also like watching my mother cry.
feeling like the star of taylor swift song then feeling like the only star in the sky.
i don't think it's love because if it were love the feelings wouldn't be unknown. 


  1. but others its like reading a book for the first time and wanting to read it over and over again for the rest of forever.

    also the part about watching your mother cry

    crazy good. honestly this hit me so hard and i loved every word.
