Sunday, September 20, 2015

Different yet the same.

Seniors, all with our own outlooks on life and our own style of living. Walking by each other believing we are all so different, when in reality we really aren't. Outside of the way we look and our style we are all identical.
All struggling to understand calculus and praying that we get higher than a 24 on the ACT.
All wishing for graduation to come faster but not wanting to have to go our separate ways in 10 months.
All seeking to find what we are going to do on Friday night and wanting to go to Homecoming.
All going up the canyon on the weekends and participating in everything cause its going to end sooner than we will admit that we want it to.
All going on college tours and planing senior trips.
All wishing that one certain person would notice us and all saying this is our last after every event we go to.
All getting emails and letters from schools and all staying out later than we know we should.
All finally getting to scream 'SENIOR YEAR' and all stressing to pass classes so we can walk at graduation in May.
All going through the same things at the same time just in different ways.
So  while we are all different in so many ways, we are more alike than we all think.